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In addition to a rigorous curriculum, our school offers comprehensive SAT Preparation Courses for our enrolled students and also serves as an official SAT Test Center. Many factors, such as major area of study, high school grades, SAT and TOEFL results, scholarships and personal finances, can determine where a student may attend university.


Our children around the world

SubjectsGroup 1 (Languages) English Hindi Group 2 (Humanities and Social Science) Group 3 (Sciences) Combined Science Environmental Science (only for grades 1 to 3) Group 4 (Mathematics) Group 5 (Creative and Professional) Computer Music/ Art Dharma/ Library
ActivitiesTaktse encourages all students to play on teams and to improve themselves. We believe that participation in sports teaches important skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship and the ability to win or lose with dignity and grace. We have also started an outdoor education program where students and teachers work together in ways that extend the learning beyond the walls of the classroom. Students compete in state educational events on a regular basis. Our small size ensures that all students get an opportunity to participate and to perform in front of a large audience.
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